Philippe Thomas

Laboratoire CRAN

University of Lorraine

Author of the chapters below :

Curriculum vitae :

Philippe Thomas was born in 1969 in France and received his PhD from the University Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 in 1997 and his professorial thesis from the Lorraine University in 2014. He spent five years with the Systèmes et Transports Laboratory at the Technical University of Belfort-Montbéliard, where he studied model-based diagnosis using neural networks. He is currently an Associate Professor and Researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN-UMR7039), which is affiliated with the CNRS and Lorraine University. His research interests focus on the use of learning machine, and more particularly neural network, in production management domain. In particular, he collaborates with ACTA mobilier company to exploit machine learning approach to improve quality in a lacquering process

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Publications since 2015 :

Publications referenced on ORCID ORCID iD icon (13)

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