Author of the chapters below :
Curriculum vitae :
Catherine da Cunha is a Full Professor in Industrial Engineering at the École Centrale de Nantes and the LS2N. Her field of studies is Mass Customization. Her main interests are in the data treatment, whether they describe the customer or measure internal performance, and in the management of production systems, including their organizational aspect. Decision-making using partial information is at the heart of her research.
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Publications since 2015 :
Publications referenced on ORCID (27) ►
- Contextual classification of chatter based on unsupervised machine learning, in Procedia CIRP ; 2023.
- Production Planning and Control for Sustainable Management Systems, in IFAC-PapersOnLine ; 2022.
- A Semantic Model Framework for the Cyber‐Physical Production System in the Systems Engineering Perspective, in INSIGHT ; 2021.
- Smart Factory: From concepts to operational sustainable outcomes using test-beds, in Logforum ; 2021.
- A knowledge-based Digital Shadow for machining industry in a Digital Twin perspective, in Journal of Manufacturing Systems ; 2021.
- Contextual classification for smart machining based on unsupervised machine learning by Gaussian mixture model, in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing ; 2020.
- A recommender approach based on customer emotions, in Expert Systems with Applications ; 2019.
- Knowledge-based multi-level aggregation for decision aid in the machining industry, in CIRP Annals ; 2019.
- Impacts of big data analytics and absorptive capacity on sustainable supply chain innovation: a conceptual framework, in LogForum ; 2018.
- Gathering, evaluating and managing customer feedback during aircraft production, in Computers & Industrial Engineering ; 2018.
- Group multi-criteria design concept evaluation using combined rough set theory and fuzzy set theory, in Expert Systems with Applications ; 2016.
- Managing resource learning in distributed organisations with the organisational capability approach, in International Journal of Technology Management ; 2016.
- Differentiation and customer decoupling points: An integrated design approach for mass customization, in Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications ; 2015.
- Tailoring performance evaluation to specific industrial contexts - Application to sustainable mass customisation enterprises, in International Journal of Production Research ; 2015.
Journal articles (15)
- A Multi-Stage Model for Sustainable Scheduling in Hybrid Flexible Flow Shop, in 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) ; 2023.
- Designing the digital twins of reconfigurable manufacturing systems: Application on a smart factory, in IFAC-PapersOnLine ; 2021.
- Comparison of K-means and GMM methods for contextual clustering in HSM, in Procedia Manufacturing ; 2019.
- Preface and acknowledgments, in Procedia Manufacturing ; 2019.
- Effects of dynamic capabilities on frugal innovation: A conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain application, in 24th International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2017 ; 2017.
Conference papers (5)
- A Correlated Redefinition of the Concept of Resilience in a Production System ; 2024.
- Exploring the Impact of Circular Strategies in Manufacturing: Can They Ensure Sustainability? ; 2024.
- Formalization and Validation of Sustainability Assessment Models for Manufacturing Organizations: A Formal Concept Analysis Approach ; 2024.
- A Semantic Interface Model to Support the Integration of Drones in a Cyber-Physical Factory ; 2023.
- A Requirement Engineering Framework for Smart Cyber-Physical Production System ; 2022.
- Organizational interoperability between public and private actors in an extended administration, in Enterprise Interoperability: INTEROP-PGSO Vision ; 2017.
- Extended administration: Public-private management, in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ; 2015.
Books and books sections (7)
Other publications (0)
Publications référencées sur HAL (40) ►
- A Semantic Model Framework for the Cyber‐Physical Production System in the Systems Engineering Perspective, in Africa Insight ; 2021.
- Smart Factory: From concepts to operational sustainable outcomes using test-beds, in Log forum- Scientific journal of logistics ; 2021.
- A knowledge-based Digital Shadow for machining industry in a Digital Twin perspective, in Journal of Manufacturing Systems ; 2021.
- Contextual classification for smart machining based on unsupervised machine learning by Gaussian mixture model, in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing ; 2020.
- Knowledge-based multi-level aggregation for decision aid in the machining industry, in CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology ; 2019.
- Comparison of K-means and GMM methods for contextual clustering in HSM, in Procedia Manufacturing ; 2019.
- A recommender approach based on customer emotions, in Expert Systems with Applications ; 2019.
- Gathering, evaluating and managing customer feedback during aircraft production, in Computers & Industrial Engineering ; 2018.
- Impacts of big data analytics and absorptive capacity on sustainable supply chain innovation: a conceptual framework, in LogForum ; 2018.
- Supply chain management for engineers, in Production Planning and Control ; 2016.
- Group multi-criteria design concept evaluation using combined rough set theory and fuzzy set theory, in Expert Systems with Applications ; 2016.
- Managing resource learning in distributed organisations with the organisational capability approach, in International Journal of Technology Management ; 2016.
- Tailoring performance evaluation to specific industrial contexts – application to sustainable mass customisation enterprises, in International Journal of Production Research ; 2015.
- Differentiation and Customer decoupling points: An Integrated design approach for mass customization, in Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications ; 2015.
- Investigating mass customization and sustainability compatibilities, in International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology ; 2015.
Journal articles (15)
- A conceptual sustainability performance measurement framework for circular supply chains, in 1st International Conference on Green Innovation and Circular Economy - GRICE ; 2024.
- Exploring the Impact of Circular Strategies in Manufacturing: Can They Ensure Sustainability?, in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIPAICT, volume 728) ; 2024.
- A Correlated Redefinition of the Concept of Resilience in a Production System, in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIPAICT, volume 728) ; 2024.
- Production planning and control methodology for a flexible workshop problem subject to sustainability constraints, in 2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) ; 2024.
- Positionnement du concept de résilience pour un système de production, in 2ème Congrès Annuel de la Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP 2024) ; 2024.
- A conceptual performance measurement framework for circular supply chains, in 2ème Congrès Annuel de la Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP 2024) ; 2024.
- A Multi-Stage Model for Sustainable Scheduling in Hybrid Flexible Flow Shop, in 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) ; 2023.
- Formalization and Validation of Sustainability Assessment Models for Manufacturing Organizations: A Formal Concept Analysis Approach, in SOHOMA 2023: Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future ; 2023.
- Contextual classification of chatter based on unsupervised machine learning, in 19th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations ; 2023.
- Production Planning and Control for Sustainable Management Systems, in IFAC Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control Conference - MIM ; 2022.
- A Requirement Engineering Framework for Smart Cyber-Physical Production System, in Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems ; 2021.
- Identification du contexte d’usinage basée sur le modèle de mélange gaussien : application au broutement, in Conférence Manufacturing21 ; 2021.
- A Semantic Model for Cyber-physical production system inspired from Current developments, in CIGI-QUALITA 2021 - Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel ; 2021.
- Designing the Digital Twins of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: application on a smart factory, in IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM ; 2021.
- A semantic interface model to support the integration of drones in a cyber-physical factory, in International conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications ; 2020.
- Classification contextuelle pour les fouilles de données issues de machines-outils, in 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) ; 2019.
- Classification contextuelle pour système d'aide à la décision pour machines-outils, in Colloque National S-mart/AIP-PRIMECA ; 2019.
- Comparison of K-means and GMM methods for contextual clustering in HSM, in International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Productio ; 2018.
- Investigating the Enablers of Big Data Analytics on Sustainable Supply Chain, in IPSERA ; 2018.
- Effects of dynamic capabilities on frugal innovation: a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain application, in International Conference on Production Research - ICPR ; 2017.
- Extended Administration: Public-Private Management, in IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) ; 2015.
Conference papers (21)
- Impact of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems on Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, in Digitalization and Control of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems ; 2022.
- Organizational Interoperability Between Public and Private Actors in an Extended Administration, in Enterprise Interoperability: INTEROP-PGSO Vision ; 2017.
Books and books sections (2)
- Methods and tools for biological risk assessment of naval vessels, POSTER ; 2024.
- Model-based system engineering approach for the conception of flexible production systems, POSTER ; 2019.